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SHAN YU Machinery Co., Ltd. is psecialist in design and manufacturing of a wide variety of lumber dryers. For over years, We have dedicated ourselves to researching the new drying technology. SHAN YU's outstanding engineering background will provide the superior drying efficiency and quality, combined with our comprehensive technical services, that has enabled SHAN YU lumber dryers to be the first choice by various wood industries.
山裕機械有限公司專業設計製造全系列木材乾燥機。多年來,我們全力研發木材乾燥新技術。累積豐富的技術與經驗,精心製造的山裕木材乾燥機,展現卓越特出的高效率與高品質,我們秉持無微不至的技術服務理念,為業界服務。也因此山裕品牌之木材乾燥機,為業界領先之選擇。 山裕木材乾燥機的卓越設計,即使是造型多變的木材,乾燥後,亦不變型,仍然保持原來形狀。
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